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What is CBD?

CBD (Cannabidiol), is one of many different chemical compounds called “cannabinoids” that are produced by the cannabis plants (Marijuana and Hemp). So far there have been 113 cannabinoids discovered and identified in cannabis plants by scientists. CBD is a naturally occurring compound which makes up 40% of the plant’s extract. It’s used in products like oils, edibles and topical products to impart a feeling of relaxation, calm and relief. It’s believed to have a lot of potentials to bring back the balance (homeostasis) to our mind and body.

Unlike its famous cousin THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD is non-psychoactive which means it does not cause a high or create euphoria to the consumers when they take CBD products.

What are Cannabinoids?

Cannabinoids are a group of active chemical compounds that are produced by cannabis plants or the mammal bodies (yep, that includes us human, our cats and dogs.). Cannabinoids in plants are called “Phytocannabinoids“. “Phyto” means “by plant”. Cannabinoids produced by human or other mammal bodies are called “Endocannabinoids“. “Endo” means “within”. The cannabinoids work with our Endocannabinoid System (ECS) which naturally exists in our body to bring back homeostasis.

List of Common Phytocannabinoids

Here is a list of the most common phytocannabinoids found in cannabis plants.

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